Hey, guys, I have a HUGE treat for you in the lair today. Tiff is well known to most of you as she's a diehard member of that exclusive club THE BANDIT BUDDIES!!!
It's always wonderful to celebrate the successes of one of our own. Tiff's debut THE SURRENDER OF A LADY is a luscious book about passion in the harem and we had huge fun last September when she came to visit us for her launch. Now I'm delighted to bring her back to took about her second book, THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE.
THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE is garnering rave reviews everywhere. Fellow Bandit Buddies, the Romance Dishes gave this book a rare five star review and said:
Tiffany Clare has penned another superb and masterfully crafted romance. THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE has all that I love in a book: humor, suspense, sigh-inducing romance, and fan-your-face, sizzling sex scenes. Ms. Clare's first book, THE SURRENDER OF A LADY was a bold and daring story, and her latest book is equally as entertaining. If you've never read a Tiffany Clare book, run to your nearest bookstore. You don't know what you're missing!

Romantic Times chose THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE as one of their February Top Picks (congratulations, Tiff!) and said:
The second chapter of Clare’s trilogy is as bold and alluring as this exciting newcomer’s first book. Clare takes a “second chance at love” romance, twisting the theme into a highly sensual tale of passion and suspense. But there’s also humor, created by secondary characters, and love to round out a tantalizing read.
You can find out more about Tiff's books at her website: www.tiffanyclare.com
And Tiffany has been VERY generous with prizes on the blog today, as you will shortly see! And by the way, aren't these some of the most gorgeous covers EVAH? That purple one for THE SECRET DESIRES OF A GOVERNESS is exquisite.

Tiffany, welcome back to the lair! Huge congratulations on all the buzz for THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE.
Anna, Thank you SOOOO Much for having me here. I love the Bandits' blog. Everyone here is so friendly and made of awesome that I’m offering up three copies of THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE.
See, guys, I told you she was generous! Tiff, I adored your debut THE SURRENDER OF A LADY. Now I’m dying to read THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE. Can you tell us about this story?
THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE is my twist on the MOC (Marriage of Convenience) trope.
I absolutely love stories where the couples marry for political alliances or simply because their parents have made arrangements (since their infants were in the cradle) to marry someone else's kid (also in the cradle, or maybe not even born yet!). There is something about two people who don’t necessarily want to be married finding common ground. And hopefully, finding love.

(ANNA: Snork! Yeah, I think you definitely should share that! What a gorgeous photo!)
Here’s the back cover blurb:
Emma Hallaway has not seen her husband in twelve years—and that’s fine with her. As a young girl, she’d agreed to a simple marriage of convenience, allowing her to pursue her private passion for painting. And though unknown to the rest of polite society, Emma is now one of the most daring and sought-after artists in London. However, when her secret is threatened to be exposed, Emma is forced to open her heart—and her home—to a total stranger: her husband…

Richard Mansfield, Earl of Asbury, is all too familiar with danger. As a matter of fact, it is hard on his heels when he returns to England. Still, even he is shocked to learn of his wife’s scandalous double life as an artist. But once he sees the vibrant grown woman she has become—so passionate, so strong, and so alluring—his undeniable attraction to Emma stuns him. Suddenly Richard is determined to turn their sham of a marriage into a true and lasting love. But how exactly does a gentleman seduce his own wife?
You can read the first chapter here: http://www.tiffanyclare.com/bookshelf/the-seduction-of-his-wife/#excerpt
I was fascinated to hear about the research you did for THE SURRENDER OF A LADY. Did you come across any unusual or surprising facts when you were researching THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE?
For Seduction I relied upon previous research I did on the opium trade for Richard’s background. A lot of English gentlemen participated in the Opium trade through Asia (and more specifically, China) during the mid Victorian period (prior to the second Opium Wars). Don’t worry, Richard comes to his senses and is trying to get out of the opium business and find something much more morally appealing.
I sort of just do research as I go along in a book (so long as I know the time period, culture and place—unlike my harem romance where I did a lot of ‘pre-research’). For THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE, I needed a manor for my earl. I actually chose Haddon Hall (and made a few changes to the interior and the general layout of the land) but doing that research helped me ground my setting and build the characters and story from it.

This painting is the image she gave to the Duke of Vane. Yes, my heroine gave a nude of herself to her dearest friend. Did I mention that Emma stayed faithful to her husband in his twelve-year absence because she’s totally, completely in love with him? Aren’t you even more interested in reading her story now?
Something I had to think a lot of about before and while writing this book is making my heroine independent and not dependent on her husband’s fortune. I wanted her to be Richard’s equal in all things and I wanted Richard to see and adore this trait in his wife (once he finds out her secret). I had a lot of fun exploring Emma’s artistic side and learning about her desire to excel and succeed in something of her own making.
Haddon Hall is actually one of my favorite old houses. Great choice! Your third historical romance THE SECRET DESIRES OF A GOVERNESS comes out in late May 2011. It sounds deliciously gothic! Can you tell us about this story?

Best sum up I’ve had for this book (from my amazing critique partner, Elyssa Papa) is: Beauty and The Beast having babies with JANE EYRE.
Elliott has been my favorite hero to write to date. He’s dark, brooding and tortured. Made into a beast by his unfortunate past. He’s really hard not to love because you want to give him a big hug and tell him it’s going to be all right. I’ll tell readers (you can find out for yourself when you read the book) that he has a disability not obvious to the naked eye; one that he is deeply ashamed of. Abby (Emma’s baby sister) runs off to Northumbria to carve her own path in life as a governess. When she firsts meets her new employer, she wonders at her sanity in leaving her sister’s home. Worse, she never expected a man to consume her thoughts so thoroughly as Lord Brendall has.
Elliott, The Earl of Brendall, isn’t expecting the young tenacious spitfire that comes into his and his son’s life, to tempt him into things he knows he cannot have. But when his governess does the impossible and teaches his son, as no other governesses in the past have been able to achieve, he can’t help but fall for her, even realizing that all the women in his past have taken their own lives because they wanted to escape him.
Ooh, can't wait. And I love Ely's description. Sounds delicious! What’s next for Tiffany Clare?
This and That! :) I’m going back to my musical roots and classical music training for the characters in my newest story! There might just be a composer and a musical prodigy working together. :) But nothing is firm yet!
There is so much going on that I don’t know how I’m still sane—though that is arguable! Did I mention, in the midst of my crazy schedule I got a puppy in October? (Isn’t she gorgeous—her name is Scarlett—as in O’Hara—my husband said ‘only you could find a dog that was exactly like you in animal form’—I’m an Aries what can I say and Scarlett knows what she wants and how to get it.) Puppies are like babies, you have to get up in the middle of the night to take them out, you get little sleep, you are exhausted and your brain always hurts and then edits come in when you so aren’t ready but you have to do them, and the kids want attention (always when I’m on the phone with a friend or busy working) and my husband is like, when is it going to be ‘me’ time! I’m also the President of my local RWA chapter this year. I’m coasting day-to-day. But it’s good coasting. I’d be bored if I wasn’t this insanely busy.
Oh, she's a darling! On a more writerly note, do you have any advice for unpublished writers?
It’s a tough market right now. Just believe in yourself and push till you get what you want! And then keep pushing to keep what you want most!

Tiff, do you have a question for our Banditas and Bandita Buddies?
Working women seems to be a common theme in all my books. I had my harem girl (a true courtesan), an artist, a governess, I’m working on a musician, and how cool that in writing this blog, I finally figured out what my ‘thing’ was! I totally write about women who are independent. Okay, back to my questions, readers: What do you think of working women in historical settings? Do you have any favorite jobs a woman might take on? Favorite historical romances with working women?
P.S. I’m giving away three copies of THE SEDUCTION OF HIS WIFE. Please comment for your chance to win.
Wow, Tiff, THREE BOOKS???? That's wonderfully generous. Thank you! OK, everyone, get commenting! And good luck!
We have an AHA Go Red pin for one commenter today.
The healthy heart tip for February 7th is: Make a date to volunteer at a local charity. Giving back is a healthy habit that will boost your mood and beat stress.

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