Now, letters were sent. Two letters, as a matter of fact. Before the service was implemented, each of these customers was also called and, if they answered the phone, were asked if they knew about the service and if they wanted it. If no answer, a message was left. In any case, they received yet another letter when the service was activated. Still, they claim no knowledge.

These days we are bombarded with information all day long: calls, texts, e-mail and advertisements on the TV, radio, billboards and even subliminally on our TiVos. I suppose it's no wonder customers are claiming they "don't know" about services, despite efforts to inform them. If they are anything like me, they don't want to know!

Are you ready for an information vacation? Ever find it hard to disconnect from your phone or computer? Had a bout of information overload recently? Ever go cold turkey (either on purpose or had it forced upon you)? I'd love to hear how you regain head space and reboot your brain!
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