interview with Suz
Banditas and Bandit Buddies we have one of my all time favorite authors, and my very good friend, Sandy Blair in the Lair today to talk about her novella Her MacKinnon, featured in the Mommoth Book of Scottish Romances. Please pull up a chair and help me welcome Sandy!
Sandy: Hi Suzanne. Thanks for inviting me to blog with your wonderful Bandits again. I really enjoy the site and usually only lurk when a favorite author is on.
Suz: Her MacKinnon in the Mammoth Book of Scottish Romance is your second novella for the Mammoth book series. What makes this such an appealing market for your stories?

Sandy: The Mammoth books provide readers a broad spectrum of plots and author voices under one cover. They also provide authors with an opportunity to stretch while reaching a broad audience. (I.e. Time-travels are a hard sell in today's market. Mammoth provides me with an outlet to write and sell yet another subgenre I love.)
Suz: In Her MacKinnon, you have a ghost, a modern day heir and a modern day heroine. How did you bring these three characters together?
Suz: Your first novel A Man In A Kilt had a ghost as the hero, too. Are you intrigued with ghosts? Or do you just think Scottish tales are a good vehicle for them?
Sandy: Thanks to its turbulent history I suspect Scotland is littered with many a ghost and I'll admit to being fascinated by them but my incorporating a ghost into a Man In A Kilt came about as a flight of pure fancy. I was staring at my hubby's ancestral Highland home Castle Stalker, wondering what our lives might be like if he'd inherited the island bound fortress instead of some distant cousin , one thought lead to another and then I wondered, "What if it came with a ghost?" Her MacKinnon came about over dinner when my son pondered the possibilities of inanimate objects being possessed by spirits. Grinning, I ran with the premise.
Suz: You do quite a bit of research for your books. What special research did you do for Her MacKinnon?
Sandy: After becoming reacquainted with the clan's history, I had to become familiar with the isle's current look, (i.e. roadways and buildings.) As I pumped a Scottish born friend for brand names (i.e. an inexpensive car, brand of shampoo) for this contemporary ghost story I was surprised to learn many items mentioned would be American brands. (The world is indeed getting smaller which takes some of the "romance" out of travelling.)
Suz: I know you have a lovely new tale, titled "The King's Mistress". Where did you get the idea for that story and what is it about?
Sandy: Thanks. I'd been researching another tale when I came across several odd details related to King Alexander III's life and death. I found myself wondering if things really happened as reported or if the facts supplied to historians were simply a means of covering up jealousy and murder?.and so this new story took shape. I hope to see this tale released shortly.

Sandy: Oh yeah. Scott and I have recently left our comfort zones and best friends to be near more family. We're currently living in New Hampshire with my daughter and her family as we wait for our new home to be finished. Which will hopefully be soon. I seriously miss my desk-top computer and bed. (I've discovered I'm definitely not a lap-top kinda gal. Become all thumbs and random cursers.)
Suz: I have to confess I "stole" these pictures from Sandy's website. That's Skibo Castle just above and that's Sandy on the staircase inside Skibo! The other castle is Castle Stalker, the Castle for the insipiration of A Man In A Kilt.
So, readers, have YOU ever been to a castle? Which one and where? Ever met a ghost? Tell us about it!
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