Happy 2011!!! We're almost halfway through the first month of the new year, and time is steadily rolling along, isn't it? And if you stop and put your hand to your ear and listen closely, you'll hear thousands of resolutions breaking LOL.

So while I am running around like a crazed headless chicken, I started fantasizing (go figure). Yes, a few Johnny Depp fantasies fluttered through my head. And I had a couple of dreamy shoe thoughts, but for the most part, my fantasies focused on relaxation. Not even a week of relaxation (nope, don't

One. Single. Afternoon. Oh joy!!!
My fantasy involved a luxurious spa afternoon, complete with a decadent dessert, a serene massage and a long nap.

If you had a single afternoon of relaxation - it could be anything or anywhere (desert island, cruise ship, castle, spa) with anyone (except Johnny Depp. He's mine *g*) doing anything (Oh my oh my oh my!) - what would your fantasy afternoon include?
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