by Anna Campbell
I'm delighted to welcome back a great supporter of her fellow romance writers and an all round super gal, BEVERLEY KENDALL.
Bev is here to talk to us about her wonderful new historical romance A TASTE OF DESIRE. She has very generously offered one lucky commenter today TWO books, A TASTE OF DESIRE and the first in the Elusive Lords series, SINFUL SURRENDER. So good luck, people!
Cathy Maxwell, NYT Bestselling author, says A TASTE OF DESIRE "is deliciously intense, intelligent and fast paced. Once I start a Beverley Kendall book, I don’t put it down until I’m done."
Sarah MacLean, NYT Betselling author, says A TASTE OF DESIRE "is just what one wants in romance—a vibrant heroine and an irresistible hero, combined with finely-wrought emotion and blistering dialogue that makes the pages turn faster and faster until it's over...and you're wishing you hadn't read so quickly!”
Check out this fun trailer for A TASTE OF DESIRE:
You can find out more about Bev and her books on her website:
Bev also runs the wonderful Season website for lovers of all things romance novel.
So here's Bev!
The Art of the Back Cover Blurb
If you’re a writer—aspiring or published—you’ve come across these before. For the aspiring writer, it’s the query letter you write to pique the interest of either an agent or editor in hopes they’ll want to read your manuscript.
For the published author, it’s the summation of your book by the marketing department to do what the query does except its target is the general public, the readers.
Pique. Intrigue. Compel. These are some of the things we hope it will inspire in the reader.

I’ve written my share of queries. Is six a lot? It seems a lot to me. I’ve experienced only two back cover blurbs and I was pretty happy with both.
For my debut, SINFUL SURRENDER, I thought the back cover blurb made the book sound much lighter in tone than it actually was. Even if I wanted to write a very light book, I don’t think I could pull it off. The part of me that loves my stories darker and angstier always surfaces. So if you bought SINFUL SURRENDER thinking you were getting a light, fairly uncomplicated story of a young woman’s unrequited love for her brother’s best friend, you may be—dare I say—pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised.
Below is the blurb for my new release, A TASTE OF DESIRE. What kind of story would you expect given the back cover blurb?
She Challenged His Pride...
Lady Amelia Bertram may have a reputation as the most brazen beauty of the ton, but she shocks even herself when she accidently—and loudly—derides one of society’s most eligible bachelors in the middle of a crowded ballroom. The timing of her faux pas couldn’t be worse, for her father is seeking someone to take her off his hands that very night…
He Challenged Her Willpower...
But when Thomas Armstrong overhears the so-called “Lady” Amelia slandering his sexual prowess in public, he cannot help but accept the dare implicit in her words. To her father’s great delight, he offers to take her to his secluded country estate—properly chaperoned, of course—to teach the girl a lesson in ladylike behavior…
Have you ever bought a book based mostly on the back cover copy and felt it was completely misleading? If so, did it end up being a better or worse reading experience?

Thanks, Bev. The new book sounds delicious! Good luck, everyone!
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