..to a Desert Island!
When this post comes up into the light of the lair, I'll be heading for the end of my wonderful two-week cruise on the 'Pacific Dawn' (that's it on the left) to New Zealand.
I'm so excited about this. In return for giving a couple of talks about romance writing, I get a free cruise. How cool is that?

I even went wild and bought a digital camera for the trip. It takes me forever to adopt new technology - which may turn out to be the subject of a future blog. Perhaps called Lugging the Luddite!
I'll be stoked if I take a shot as pretty as the one of New Zealand's South Island on the right! Isn't that beautiful? Wow!

So as I started putting out all this stuff that I'm taking with me, I wondered what were the five things I'd take to a desert island. And I came up with:

2. A year's worth of Smith's potato chips, especially barbecue flavor
3. Sunscreen
4. 50 cases of champagne (hmm, I'm starting to like the sound of this island!)
5. MOBY DICK. Because while Richard is off catching dinner, I might actually read it in the absence of other entertainment
OK, what five things would you take to a desert island?
Oh, and if you want the Banditas as company, we count as one item. Oh, man, perhaps I should take the Banditas and their cohorts instead of MOBY DICK. We'd have a WHALE of a time!

Thank you so much for all your wonderful support during the year. And thank you to all my wonderful Bandita sisters. You and the Bandita buddies are definitely something I give thanks for, not just today which happens to be Thanksgiving, but every minute of the year.
See you all next year!
Oh, and now for the bad news - I'm not sure what email access I'll have on the ship so I'm not sure whether I'll be able to respond to comments.
But hey, guys, party on!
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