· Reason for being
· The purpose that justifies a thing's existence
I don’t manifest some perverse orientation or fixation on my child. What I do attempt with LFG is grounded in two strategic themes.
Don’t misunderstand me. We love short term tactics around here…Trips to Five Guys for burgers. Weekends at Rehoboth beach. A five dollar budget for the toy store on Connecticut Avenue…Childs Play. Tactics are good. Tactics are fun. It's the longer view of the journey however-the more strategic view of the voyage with these little ones that to me, is more important.
Now back to the two Strategic Themes:
One: My guiding vision for LFG involves shepherding her through this journey so that she becomes a content and self sufficient adult. Anything beyond this is gravy. Notice that I use the word content-not “happy”. “Happy” has been debased in our society. It's a myth. If you are content, you'll discover your own definition of happiness.
Two: I want to behave as a man in a way that has LFG say as an adult woman… “My father was always there for me”.
Some say...."but wait a minute ADG, she is going to grow up and leave you and then how will you be?" I will be fine and I fully expect LFG to embark on her own journey. I do though, have a few more years of tactical frolic denial before I have to fully process this aspect of parenting....right?
Perhaps I’ve set my sights too low…my goals too modest. Until convinced otherwise, I’ll be happy if I make good on those two. Here’s my raison d’etre…

What’s yours?
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