The other day I took my older daughter out to practice driving. As we drove around (and around and around) our town's middle school parking lot and the connecting (empty) streets, she asked me if I was afraid to let her drive. I told her I wasn't but her question got me to thinking about things I really am afraid of which then lead me to start thinking about Halloween and what I find most creepy (hey, you all know by now that my mind works in mysterious ways, right?) Which is how I came up with my:
Top Five List Of Things That Creep Me Out
1. Flying Monkeys. I admit it. I can't stand The Wizard of Oz movie all because of those creeptastic flying monkeys. I'll probably have nightmares tonight just thinking about them (shudder) If I'd been Dorothy and I saw those things coming at me, I'd have dropped Toto and run like H-E-double hockey sticks.
2. Michael Jackson's Thriller Video. Yep, this video seriously creeps me out. I don't think I've ever watched the entire thing, not even as a teen in the 80's when it was on ALL THE TIME. Dancing Zombies? A Zombie Michael Jackson? No thanks.
3. Certain Medical Procedures. There's a very good reason I'm not in the medical field and that reason is because while I don't mind the sight of blood, I get woozy at the sight of any rips, cuts, tears in skin or seeing inside the body. I've gotten sick watching a video of a C-section (not my own, but one I had to watch to prepare for my own surgery) looking up my daughter's nose with a scope (the doctor had a screen right there in the office where we could see it. Joy.) Listening to the doctor describe the procedure to remove other daughter's wisdom teeth (for God's sake, don't tell me) Helping first daughter cover the four stitches she'd received and just this morning I almost passed out while my MIL described a cousin's surgery to fix a hole in his heart.
In other words, there's no way I'm ever going to quit writing to attend Medical School.
4. The Twilight Zone. The original, super scary, creeptacular one on TV. Has there every been a show THAT frightening? Where did they come up with those stories?

5. Cookie Monster. Okay, this one isn't really mine *g* I'm borrowing it from my daughter who developed this fear of the big blue monster when she was a toddler and still has not grown out of it.
What's creepy to you? 'Tis the season to share our weird, funny or frightening creep-outs :-)
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