By Kirsten Scott
Wanna know my secret? Okay, it's not really that big a secret. It's a little secret. Maybe a medium-sized secret. Anyway, I'm not really Kirsten Scott. Well, I should clarify...I AM Kirsten, the Kirsten who has been blogging with you all these years. But I'm also...
And here's the cool thing. Inara's first book, Delcroix Academy: The Candidates, hit the shelves on August 24! So this, my friends, is a SECRET LAUNCH PARTY! For Inara.
I mean Kirsten.

I mean Inara.
Anyway, here's the story. Five years ago, I started writing. Or rather, I picked up where I left off in high school. Which was writing what I love to read -- romance. I love romance novels. I've been reading them since I was 12, and there's nothing, NOTHING, I like better than a alpha male, spunky heroine, and happily ever after.
So I wrote a romance novel. It became a Golden Heart finalist. I joined this cool blog and wrote another romance novel. It almost landed me an agent. But didn't. Agents told me I was "almost there." I got depressed. I had written two novels and I was ready for more...so I decided to try something new. I heard Meg Cabot speak at an RWA conference and I said, hey, that sounds like fun. Maybe I can write one of those...what do you call them? Young adult novels? Yeah, maybe I can write one of those.

So I did. And you know what? Someone bought it!
That was three years ago. Since then, I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for this day. And now it's here. The book is on the shelves. My secret is out...I'm a romance writer who has a secret passion for boarding school, supernatural powers, and kids who hold hands and have crushes.
I'll still be blogging here as Kirsten. I still hope someday I may publish an adult romance. But right now, Inara's having a pretty good time.
So tell me -- do you have a secret identity? Super powers? Crushes? Read young adult novels? Tell me all about it. I've got prizes. Lots of prizes. After all, you are my people. My friends. The romance community that has sheltered and nurtured me all these years.
Here's what's up for grabs:
1) Signed copy of Delcroix Academy: The Candidates
2) Groovy Delcroix Academy: The Candidates t-shirt
3) hackey hudjson t-shirt
WHEEE!!! It's a party!! A secret party! With prizes! YIPPEE!!
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