Did you ever wish you could go back to being a kid? Look for all the new pencils and backpacks and lunch boxes and just go back to school with all the other eager kids.
Or maybe it was college. Maybe life intervened and you didn't get to go, or it wasn't what you wanted or were ready for at the time.
Or graduate school. I've frequently considered graduate school. I have tons of graduate credits, in several different fields, but nothing held me enough to want to go the distance and do that thesis at the end.
I've been considering it again, lately. There's a fabulous program another Bandita did that offers a graduate degree in writing. Now THAT I can do, commit to, and complete. Grins.
If you could go back to elementary school, what would you do differently? What kind of backpack or lunchbox would you get?
If you could go to any college in the country, free ride scholarship, where would you go, and why? What would you study? Would it be for business or just for fun?
And if you wanted to further your education and do graduate studies...what field?
I'd love to know what you, our friends, are interested in!
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