interview by Suzanne
A Lair favorite, Jo Davis returns, this time to talk sexy Spies with Suzanne. As always any conversation between these two involves alcohol, sexy men and good stories! Pull up a lounger and see what's up this time.
Suz: So, welcome back to the Lair, Jo! It’s always great fun to have you join us, and of course it’s always a good reason to share drinks… Sven has become quite the Mojito mixologist these days.
The sound of liquid pouring and then two glasses clinking fill the nearly empty bar area
In this book we get to meet two more agents for SHADO, Blaze Kelly and Emma Foster. Can you tell everyone a little bit about them?
Jo: First, it’s great to be back! I always enjoy visiting with the Bandits. What a fun group!

As for Blaze and Emma… Blaze is our tough, sexy agent who’s nursing a broken heart. He’s a Dom who’s into the D/s lifestyle and the woman he loves just couldn’t handle it. Emma is a disguise/makeup artist for SHADO. She still loves Blaze, but doesn’t believe she’ll ever be able to fit into his world to be what he needs—a submissive who will melt at her master’s touch, obey his command.
Jo: Blaze is a natural. He’s the epitome of what a Dom should be—firm and in control, but always aware that his sub’s safety and happiness comes first. He wants Emma to learn to trust him and know that the D/s lifestyle isn’t some wild free-for-all that’s all about the master’s needs, but about the sub’s needs. Emma is having a difficult time letting go to completely trust him, and isn’t sure she ever can. Besides, she’s pretty butch and feels she has to be just as tough as the guys to work at SHADO. How can she ever feel feminine?
Suz: What if any difficulties or goals did you have when writing about the D/s lifestyle? Any research you might’ve done?
Jo: Let me say I’m not personally into the lifestyle (grin), but that world fascinates me. I do read BDSM erotica and erotic romance, but I felt that wasn’t enough to go on to write about Blaze’s universe. I did some research and found some well-known D/s Masters online, studied their house rules and “mission statements” if you will. I learned that there are actual, definitive types of Masters for each type of sub and that it’s important for the two to be well-matched, and to have a written contract that spells out their commitment. One Master I found was perfect to model Blaze after, with his belief in loving dominance and respect for the sub. I went with it.

Jo: Not at all. Emma fancies herself a tough chick, and she is. But she has a soft, feminine underbelly, a part of her craving dominance, that she’s terrified to expose to Blaze.
Jo: Michael Ross, SHADO’s troubled leader, taps Blaze and Emma to go undercover as man and wife to infiltrate a group of rich investors who are supplying money to a home-grown terrorist organization. This organization is now under the control of Robert Dietz (from book 1, I SPY A WICKED SIN) who has escaped, and SHADO must stop Dietz before he and his group transfer a stolen weapon of mass destruction out of the country.
Dietz’s investors meet at a D/s club to conduct their meetings and play. Blaze and Emma have to get into their group and hopefully learn where Dietz is hiding the weapon. Forced into this situation (it was either participate or agonize as another female agent took the job as Blaze’s sub), Emma’s barriers come down…one naughty game at a time.
Suz: Things get shaken up at SHADO as a result and we’re left hanging with more questions than answers, (not very nice m’dear), so does this story arc carry over into the next book, I Spy A Dark Obsession?
Jo: Now, Suz dear, you know I’d never leave you hanging! NAUGHTY GAME is a complete stand-alone and the only plot point left unanswered is when Robert Dietz will finally get what’s coming to him, and who will deliver the long-awaited justice. You’ll have to wait until March 2011 when I SPY A DARK OBSESSION is released to find out! That story is a ménage and features Michael Ross, Bastian Chevalier, and Katrina Brandt.

Suz: Let’s take a minute to talk about your firefighters. When is the next book coming out?
Jo: Ooh, I’m so glad you asked! RIDE THE FIRE will be released on December 7 and finally gives my readers Captain Sean Tanner’s story. I’m sad to see this series end, but I believe my readers will love Sean and Eve’s story. Sean battles his way back from the depths of hell, and there are some powerful, emotional setbacks and triumphs along the way. He’s also blindsided by the knowledge that the accident that killed his family might have been deliberate… Have a box of tissue handy, folks. This one even made my editor cry!
Suz: (My apologies, blogger was not cooperative and this image does not do the sexy cover justice!!)
Dear Bandit Buddies, please be sure to join Jo and I in December as we have a VERY special treat planned for all of you when we discuss the fifth book in the Station Five Firefighter Series, Ride The Fire.
Jo: So I have a question for y'all and one commenter will receive a signed copy of I Spy A Naughty Game. Which fictional spy gets your motor running? If any spy hero could step off the pages and ask you for a hot date, who would it be and why?
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