Saturday: We are still in the midst of a blizzard. I've got tons of comfort food and Patagonia-Capeline long underwear so I'll be fine. Snow without LFG is a drag to say the least. You know it's bad when the local honky tonks in Old Town are closed. I might have to resort to drinking alone. I've got plenty of time to write-maybe I'll actually contrive an original post.
Interesting to read this one again-I never had the shirts made-mid June 2009 saw me in the midst of a cash crunch so I put the order on hold. Y'all get up off of some of that old moldy ass money you've been secreting and buy them for me!
Sofa-ward....ADG sans LFG
This of course was pre-internet and pre-almost anything else regarding sartorial history, rules and decorum. Men were taught the rules of dress from their fathers and other men. If you were fortunate enough to have a father who dressed for business or who had a military background, chances are you got a better lesson in grooming, deportment and dress than others. Flusser’s books were key for me even though I’d never known of him or bought any of his ready to wear line. He was in Gotham and this modest consumer was in South Carolina.
I then made my way to Washington D.C. during college and bought a couple of Flusser’s dress shirts from Britches back when Britches of Georgetown was a meaningful interpreter of men’s style. I also bought my first gut-end Thurston braces there. Polo was still a major influence but Alan brought another level of refinement and elegance to the mélange.
Fast forward a few more years and I through happenstance and serendipity, find myself working for a Swiss pharma and chemical conglomerate. Serendipity that would set the course for the rest of my life. The company provided me structure and discipline that in retrospect, was good for a kid right out of college. The corporate dress code was something that I long to see again. Suits only. NO sportcoats. I miss the precision of intent and demeanor that dressing for work cultivated.

So, you are thinking “What the hell does this have to do with stripes?” Be patient, I’m getting there-my Adderall hasn’t kicked in yet and I’ve only had one cup of coffee. So then this move Wall Street starring Michael Douglas debuts in 1987. I’m now five miles from the Lincoln Tunnel-living a riveting existence in the corporate boiler room of said Swiss company and loving every minute of it. Paying the dues to climb the ladder right? Cost of living off the chart but I’m in Gotham every weekend-courtesy of my 1985 Jetta-no company car with this assignment-those perks come later.

So I find the address of Flusser’s shop and during lunch one day, I climb into the Jetta and drive through the tunnel in search of the horizontal striped shirt. I find the shop and am riveted with excitement. I’ve had seven years worth of Flusser tutelage brewing and maybe, just maybe I would meet him in person. No such luck-this was when Alan was heavily involved in his ready to wear line and probably seldom spent time in the custom shop. Alan’s cognoscenti were in full force and they gladly sorted me out with the horizontal shirt. The above photo of Alan is circa the mid '80's-in his Gotham shop.

Ok, it’s sunny here today. I’m off to the pool for a little horizontality and sun damage.
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