Greetings from downtown New Brunswick. There’s a large multifaceted healthcare company here and they get the pleasure of my consulting drivel today. Giuseppe hit the nail on the head recently with regard to wearing pink. The G-man posits that if you’re gonna include pink in the lineup, it might be a good idea to collateralize it with conservative amigos. I approach it like I do Belgian shoes. Step up with confidence and take control of the situation quickly. Timing and Tempo are keys to strategic success when donning pink. Sun Tzu taught us this in the Art of War over two thousand years ago and John Boyd did a better job of it in decades past.
Guys (and Gals if it’s your thing)…if you want to read a page turner about a quantitative savant fighter pilot (very little actual combat-blood gore stuff…Boyd through nothing more than circumstance, didn’t fly much combat in Korea or Vietnam) who is essentially the father of the F-16, read this book.

Self: If you don’t feel comfortable in pink, then you won’t look confident and comfortable in it. Stay away. You’ll look like the effeminate fop that people will think you are.
Other: Know who you’ll be keeping company with and whether your togs are going to be a variable in that interaction. Don and shod accordingly. I can pull the white button down-three button solid gray sack suit-rep tie stuff out of the back of the closet if necessary…based on surmising Self-Other-Terrain. I’ve worn that getup during most of my civil and criminal trials…both as expert witness and accused.
Terrain: I’ll be with a group of young marketers and agency creative types today and the meeting is in their offices so I’m good. If I was spending the day at a teaching hospital where their technology is being considered or used, I’d default to the court room rig.

Have a blessed balance of the week. And remember this from our Eastern strategic sensei … “Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat”. What’s your strategy? Mine in my personal and professional life is grounded in “Focused Passion”.
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