February 4th Update: With another winter snow storm expected here on Friday-I decided to resurrect a post reminiscent of warm weather-sun kissed cheeks on little girls-linen-cotton...you know-all the things that seem miles and months away for most of us right now.
Does anyone wear pin cord anymore? You know-That attenuated rendition of seersucker. I remember there being a preponderance of synthetic fiber in most of the pin cord fabrics twenty years ago. I had a Haspel pin cord suit in college…three button sack…flat front trousers.

And on a final and random note. The Man doesn’t care what kind of cologne we wear to the Handlin’. Showing up is what he’s after. The snakes then do the rest. I love Ralph Lauren’s entrepreneurial legend. Really. I’m trying to locate my rejection letter from my Polo employment efforts in the early 1980’s so I can post the story. His Charlie Rose interview by the way is well worth your time.
With all of this said though; there should be a Federal Statute banning this gnarly sh*t. There was a guy behind me at the Handlin’ who must have used an entire bottle. I’m still trying to sort out what made me high. The Word or the Vapors.
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