By Christie Kelley
It’s a beautiful fall day as I write this blog. The temperature is about 52 degrees and it’s raining.
Yes, raining!

I love a nice cool rainy day. It makes me want to bake something aromatic like soup or maybe cookies. Soup would definitely be better for me, but there’s nothing like the smell of homemade gingersnap cookies filling the house. But that will have to wait for the afternoon. Right now, I’m sitting in my office, facing the windows, and writing this blog. After that, I will work on some edits for my proposal.
I seem to be doing more looking out the window than working today. The colorful leaves are still falling in my area of the country. I live in a neighborhood with mostly oak trees and the leaves seem to take forever to fall. Many times, it takes a big windstorm or the first snowfall to bring them down.

Rainy days are wonderfully relaxing, as long as you don’t have to go out in them. I love to put on the fireplace, grab a blanket, and read a fantastic romance novel. So maybe I’ll take the afternoon off, pull a book off my TBR pile, and enjoy the peace before the kids get home from school.
I really shouldn’t have written that last sentence. I jinxed myself! The school nurse just called. The 13 yr old needs to come from school early and then it’s back to the doctor’s office for another check on his throat. There goes my afternoon.

How about you? Do you enjoy a nice cool rainy day? What should I have done this afternoon, bake or read? Do you have a good soup recipe to share? And what’s on your TBR pile?Since I’ve already started shopping for Christmas, I’m in a giving spirit. I’ll give away a copy of Scandal of the Season to one lucky person who comments on the blog today!
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