Lately, I've been feeling really bummed about all the angst and bad news floating out in the world today. It can really get to be too much and I've gotten to the point where I don't even watch the news much. I think I've sprained my cringe muscle!
I was contemplating this during Mass a couple of weeks ago when I saw something that, brief as it was, lifted me up. A simple pleasure, something that is positive, evocative of the good things in life, something that buoyed me up. And so this blog was born. Here are some Simple Pleasures I enjoyed this past week.
First, of course was the one at church. It was a young father bringing his two year old daughter BY HIMSELF to services. She was a cutie patootie and he had the diaper bag thing going and he was so capable and self assured. Suffice to say, being a Daddy's girl, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for watching guys with their little ones.
Next stop, the Humane Society kitten display. I know, I know ya'll are probably sick to death of me taking about my baby cats but this one little thing made me feel good. It was a tiny little black kitten who reached its paw out from the cage, caught the tip of my finger. My heart tripped and it took everything to walk away.

The Waltons. Ok, so this is kind of odd but Hallmark Channel has been showing reruns of this series set in simple times. Drastic times, yes with the depression and all, but the setting of the rural mountains, the bits of wisdom from Mama and Daddy and especially Grandpa (Will Geer perfect for that role) reminds me of the base values many of us were raised with and reassures me the world will survive tumult. Even if Mary Ellen gets on my nerves.

Last, but not least a trip to the grocery store capped my week of simple pleasures. As I approached the entry there was a Little League cheerleading group holding a bake sale. Four 10 year old girls standing in line cheering "C. A. TS Cats Woooooo". Their enthusiasm was contangious and I found
myself joining in on the woooooo (Silently of course). It also got them a $5 donation sans cupcakes.
So what simple pleasures have you enjoyed this week? B. A. NDITAS, BANDITAS...WOOOOO!

Last, but not least a trip to the grocery store capped my week of simple pleasures. As I approached the entry there was a Little League cheerleading group holding a bake sale. Four 10 year old girls standing in line cheering "C. A. TS Cats Woooooo". Their enthusiasm was contangious and I found

So what simple pleasures have you enjoyed this week? B. A. NDITAS, BANDITAS...WOOOOO!
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