I'll admit it... I have a toy addiction.
Hey... not THAT kind of toy! (wait, what kind were YOU thinking?)
I have a techno toy addiction. I love technology. We have 4 people in our house. We have 1 PC, 4 laptops, 2 iTouchs, 3 iPods, a Nook and a half-dozen game

And yet, I just don't have enough.
Because I had to have the iPad 2. I had to. I mean, middle of the night cravings, obsessive researching, weekly 'is it out yet is it out yet is it out yet' checking on the 'net. I wanted one for my birthday, but that came and went, and they weren't out yet. Then the announcement came. March 11 at 5pm.

Woot! I debated ordering online because I could get free engraving, but I couldn't figure out what to have engraved -and my husband's suggestion of "Tawny's Crazy" just didn't feel right. Besides, online meant waiting at least an extra week to play with it.
So I went to the Apple store. On sale day. The line wrapped around the block and down another 3 by the time I arrived at 5:30. But thankfully, the line moved fast. Mostly because the nice guys who work at Apple kept walking down the length of the line, telling people what they'd sold out of, which culled quite a few of the prospective buyers.
By the time there were only a handful of a half-dozen people between me and my very own new toy, they were down to a single model left in only one color. The nice guys walked the line again, telling people that's all they had left. But people didn't seem to believe them. They figured once they got to the door, they'd magically have the model they wanted (what's up with that?).
Then this big guy came to the door and announced that there

And in the store I went. I got the second to last iPad in the entire area, I got the last keyboard and the last red leather cover :-D I scored.

Now, I never was one who waited in line for a Cabbage Patch doll or a Tickle Me Elmo. Nor was I the first to have most gaming systems (my brother is, though... which probably makes it easier for me not to be first, because I can just play with his). But when it comes to technology, I get to jonesing and just HAVE TO have it. HAVE TO!!! The Harry Potter books, I'll admit, I did wait in lines for, and always hit the midnight sale. But those are books :-D I'll do anything for books!!
How about you? Is there anything you've ever waited in line for hours for? Something you have to have as soon as it's out? What's your weakness?
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