Phew! Now that we're beginning to recover from Jeanne's awesome launch party ... Zach and the hockey hunks are offering restoratifs and massages ... well, Zach is busy with me, but you can help yourself to one of the others ... it's time to celebrate a new month in the Lair.

Or you can click on the cover links here, which will take you straight to Amazon!
And, if that's not enough, here's a tempting taster of the fabulous guests who will be dropping by the Lair this month.

We kick off the month on September 2 with RITA winner Molly O'Keefe (www.molly-okeefe.com), who will be talking about her favorite musician and giving us the scoop on her Superromance trilogy, The Notorious O'Neills, starting with The Temptation of Savannah O'Neill!

On September 3rd, Aunty Cindy hosts paranormal romance author Kendra Leigh Castle,(www.kendraleighcastle.com) who will talk about her new release from Harlequin Nocturne, Renegade Angel. She'll also be happy to answer questions about her other shape-shifter books, and about the new furry beastie in her life.
A Lair favourite returns on the 6th when Jo Davis (www.jodavis.net)talks with Suz about her newest erotic spy romance, I Spy A Naughty Game, the second in Jo's seriously sexy SHADO Agency series. And the pair will have a hint or two about the next firefighter book and something new coming from our friend Jo.

Another Lair favourite Nicola Cornick www.nicolacornick.co.uk) joins us on the 16th September, to talk about Whisper of Scandal, the first book in her new series.

MJ Fredrick, yet another Lair favourite, returns to the Lair on 19th September to celebrate the September 6 launch of her latest book, Sunrise Over Texas, from Carina Press, the story of a woman struggling to hold her family together, a man who lost everything and the struggles the two of them endure in the new land...and with a new love.

Addison Fox (www.addisonfox.com)is back to bring us another of her sexy Zodiac Warriors in Warrior Avenged. This exciting new series is only book two of her Warriors of the Zodiac series with plenty more paranormal Zodiac Warriors to come. Check out what has Suz so hot....really....about this new book.

Rounding off the month on 27th September with another Lair favourite, Miranda Neville (www.mirandneville.com) who will pop by to tell us about the second book in her Burgundy Club series, The Dangerous Viscount.

So, with September starting, schools back in business and autumn just around the corner, tell me what are you most looking forward to this month?